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Start App

Automation Workshop includes the Start App Action that automatically executes the specified application with optional command line arguments. This Action works the same way as if the user had executed an application by clicking on its icon on Desktop or in Start Menu.

Program name and parameters can be specified using dynamic variables from Triggers and Actions. Start App Action cannot execute Windows command prompt commands. See Run CMD Command Action for using cmd.exe command line interpreter.

Features & highlights

  • Automatically execute any Windows program with optional arguments.
  • Full support for multiple simultaneous users where each of them is using a separate Desktop, in a Terminal Server scenario or local/remote desktop scenarios.
  • Apps can be started maximized, minimized, or even hidden. Command line arguments can be injected dynamically using a no-code visual toolVariable Wizard.
  • Apps and programs can be started with any local or Windows Active Directory user credentials, as well as they will appear on selected user's Desktop when used in the Terminal Services environment.
  • Easy specification of application either from the Start menu or directly from its location on disk.
  • Monitors the termination of application via its exit codes and proceeds accordingly.
YouTube video · Watch folder & automatically email files

Usage examples

  • The launch of apps or programs can be triggered by the built-in advanced Task Scheduler or by any other Trigger. For example, when a user logs in or off, a new file appears, or a file is uploaded into an FTP server, when a file is removed from an Amazon S3 bucket.
  • Program can be started with a Windows Domain user's account that is not present in the local machine, and the machine is not joined to the Domain, thus allowing a non-domain computer/server to access the Domain's resources.
  • Extend the functionality of Automation Workshop by integrating third party applications into the Task design.
  • Run an application, and then process the results of its work by one of the Automation Workshop Actions.
  • Prepare data with Automation Workshop, and then pass it to an external program.


  • Program · Enter the path and file name of an application or program, as well as a folder from which it will be executed.
  • Options · Set program execution and termination conditions.
  • Advanced · Define a program startup state, and exit code behavior.


More ways to Start…


Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

Automated Trigger · File & Folder Watcher
File & Folder Watcher
Automate Action · Run CMD command
Run CMD command

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