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Tools menu allows enabling and disabling Automation Workshop Service, changing program options, and getting more information on local and remote Task related processes in Queue Manager, Log Manager, and Task details. Access all the essential tools from one place!

Tools menuDetails
Operations Manager Opens Operations Manager that features all essential automation data and links to software settings in one place.
Queue Manager Opens Queue Manager that shows queued Tasks that are waiting for execution along with currently running and recently finished Tasks.
Log Manager Opens Log Manager that shows completed operations, their status, as well as errors and warnings.
Trigger Manager Opens the Trigger Manager which shows an overview of enabled and disabled Triggers.
Task Finder Opens the Task Finder which shows an overview of enabled and disabled Tasks, allowing to easily locate any Task by its Triggers, Actions or other features.
Global Variables Allows to define Global Variables and constants for all Tasks on the machine.
Remote Operations Opens the Remote Operations menu to access, manage, overview, and orchestrate Automation Workshop network servers.
Services Quickly access and manage Automation Workshop Service configuration options including stopping and starting Task triggering.
  • Stop Automatic Task Triggering · disables the Triggers for all Tasks, thus effectively making Automatic Workshop not to execute any Tasks automatically. Note! If deactivated, the automatic backups are also paused and not resumed until the triggering is enabled again.
  • Service Options · provides quick access to Service options where user can start or stop the Service and set its parameters.
  • Windows Services · starts, stops, and configures Windows Services.
  • Event Viewer · view monitoring and troubleshooting messages from windows and other programs.
Resources Features quick access to useful external apps.
  • Performance Monitor · diagnose performance issues and collect performance data.
  • Resource Monitor · monitor the usage and performance of the following resources in real time: CPU, Disk, Network and Memory.
  • Task Manager · view details about programs and processes running on your computer.
  • Command Prompt · opens Command prompt window.
  • WinSCP · opens WinSCP management console.
Management Features links to most essential Windows administration applications that are most commonly in close connection with advanced Automation Workshop usage practices.
  • Security and Maintenance · Review recent security and maintenance messages (network firewall, virus protection, UAC, file history, drive status, etc.).
  • Computer Management · manages disks and provides access to other tools to manage local and remote computers.
  • System Information · display detailed information about your computer.
  • System Properties · view basic information about your computer system settings.
  • About Windows · displays Windows version information.
Backup Access Backup & Restore features:
  • Opens the Backup settings in Automation Workshop options that allows configuring regular automatic backups of Task files, Settings and Log files. The option of instant manual backup is also available.
  • Opens the online article on fully restoring Automation Workshop after an unexpected and even critical system failure. The restoration of Automation Workshop Task files, Settings and Log files is contingent upon a previously created manual or automatic backup.
  • Backup & Restore explained.
Customize… Allows user to customize Automation Workshop Manager toolbar layout, and further adjust framework.
Options… Opens Automation Workshop options.

Remote Operations…

Use the Remote Manager to connect to remote Automation Workshop instances thus allowing all the remote management features, such as remote queue, operations, and deployment.

Event details
Event details

The remote operations menu automatically adjusts itself depending on the selected server context and available access rights. Remote operations become available only when a connection to the server is established.

Remote OperationsDetails
Remote Manager Opens the Remote Manager to add, edit, or remove servers.
Discover Initiate the server discovery process on the LAN.
Operations Manager Allows access to the Remote Operations Manager for network server instances.
Queue Manager Opens the Remote Queue Manager for a remote server to view and manage queued, running, and finished Tasks.
Deploy & Manage The Remote Task deployment feature allows you to easily manage Tasks on numerous remote/network servers simultaneously without need to connect to each of the servers one by one.
  • Run Task on All Servers
  • Push Task · copies a Task to one or multiple servers.
  • Enable Task
  • Disable Task
  • Delete Task
Properties… Opens the Remote Task Properties for the selected network Task.
Run Task Starts a remote Task or Tasks for the selected remote server.

Seamless automation in action! 90 seconds to efficiency.

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