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Create lists of running applications by listing all apps or just apps that contain specific keywords. It is possible to automate various application related workflows in a no-code manner using Automation Workshop. The list of apps and list of PIDs is accessible via Variable Wizard.

Search Choose to list all running processes or filter them by their names:
  • all apps · creates a list of every running app
  • by name · add apps that matches the specified keywords
Application name Provide a complete or partial program name:
  • Exact · apps that match the specified name
  • Starts with · apps whose name starts with provided name
  • Contains · apps that have provided name within the name
  • Ends with · apps whose name ends with provided name
List apps that Type of programs to list:
  • are running · default
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.


  • List Apps integration and auditing—Variables (dynamic data) and Events (recorded activity). Access the three lists returned by this Action—a list of executables (including full paths), a list of PIDs, and a list of app names, along with the total number of apps in these lists. Additionally, events related to successful or failed app enumerations are recorded.

More app options…

Automation Workshop offers a comprehensive set of Actions to monitor, control, and modify Windows application states and properties. These tools allow you to automatically start processes, manage running applications, and terminate them as needed.

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