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Terminate App

Automation Workshop includes the Terminate App Action that enables you to create automated workflows to close (forcibly kill or terminate) programs. Terminating apps or background processes in Windows allows you to automate tasks that otherwise would require user interaction.

Additionally, terminating applications or background processes that are hang or unresponsive, and restarting them, allows to "heal" your servers in fully unattended mode.

Features & highlights

  • List all running apps and forcibly kill any app that uses too much memory or resources.
  • Automatically exit all application instances (identified by app name) or close one particular instance by using Process ID (aka PID).
  • Automate program closing that runs in the background and uses too many system resources (that does not have UI).
  • Terminate a program after a certain amount of time without user intervention.
  • Terminate an application on a predefined schedule or on a system event.
YouTube video · Auto-terminate Windows processes

Usage examples

  • Terminate a broken app that is running a certain job, such as a backup or update, after the task is complete (but the app is not ending gracefully).
  • Automatically closing a program or process that is blocked to be run at certain times or days.
  • Restart any application by terminating it on demand, and starting up again.
  • Monitor active processes and terminate a specific process immediately upon its launch.


  • Application · Select a program by name or program ID.
  • Options · Provide a custom exit code for the terminated app and choose to terminate its spawned subprocesses as well.



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

Automated Trigger · SFTP Watcher
SFTP Watcher
Automate Action · Unzip Files
Unzip Files

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