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Automation Workshop Manager

Automation Workshop Manager is the main interface that gives user full control over all relevant features of automated Tasks and the program itself.

As a central control interface, Automation Workshop Manager allows creating, editing, disabling and deleting Tasks, provides Task execution summary as well as gives access to Operations, Queue, Log, and Trigger Manager; and Task Finder and Automation Workshop options.


Menu contains shortcuts to all management and Task features.

File Task creation and control commands.
Edit Common commands for handling Task files (e.g., Copy, Cut, Paste).
View Automation Workshop interface options.
Tools Operations, Queue, and Log Managers; and Automation Workshop options.
Help Online help and ordering links.
Search Quickly find Commands, Tasks, or documentation articles.


Toolbars provide quick access to the important Automation Workshop features.

Task Task control and Manager buttons.
Edit Task file copy, cut, paste, delete buttons.
Standard Task folder creation, navigation and icon size buttons.

Folder & Task Pane

Folders & Tasks displays Task folder structure and contained task files.

Folder pane Displays local and remote Task folder structure in tree format.
Task Pane Displays Task files contained in selected folder.

Log Pane

Log Pane displays information on executed Tasks and Service related events.

Date Shows date and time of logged event.
Source Indicates whether event message is received from Automation Workshop user interface or System Service.
Details Shows event message text containing most essential details.

Status bar

Status bar displays whether Automation Workshop Manager is connected to its Service and if Task triggering is enabled.

Status barDetails
Tasks Shows the number of active and inactive Tasks (when hovered by mouse pointer).
Workflow protection Service Guard increases reliability · see Service overview
Service status Indicates whether Automation Workshop Manager is connected to Service (when hovered by mouse pointer).
Triggering Indicates whether automatic Task triggering is enabled (when hovered by mouse pointer).
Active workflows Shows the number of currently running Tasks.
Items Shows number of selected or total items in the current Task folder.

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.