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Automation Workshop includes the Else Action that is used in conjunction with one of the Actions—If, If File, If Folder, If Service, or If App. The Else Action introduces a branch of Actions that is executed when the conditions specified by associated If Action are not met.

Features & highlights

  • Paired with the If, If File, If Folder, If Service, and If App Actions to introduce an alternative workflow—the branch of Actions that is performed when the conditions are not met.
  • Run a set of Actions if the condition is true and another set of Actions if it is false.
  • Specify what Actions to run if the conditions are not met.
  • Virtually unlimited nested branching of a workflow is supported.
YouTube video · Conditional logic using If…Else flow

Usage examples

  • Verify whether a file with a specific name pattern exists. If it does, then print it; else show a custom message to a user.
  • List files before sending email. If the number of files in a folder is low, then skip the compression process. Else—compress the files, and delete the list of uncompressed original files. Send an email with compressed archive files as attachments.
  • Perform different sets of Actions when the conditions are true and when they are false.


  • Else · Introduces a branch of workflow that is executed when conditions are not met.
  • Options · Set the Action state and custom display name, and enable an option to log only critical errors.



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

Automated Trigger · Amazon S3 Watcher
Amazon S3 Watcher
Automate Action · Duplicate Folder
Duplicate Folder

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