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Write to File

Automation Workshop includes the Write to File Action that writes provided Unicode text or binary data into a specified file. Options include encoding selection (ASCII or UTF) and whether new data should be appended to the file or overwritten.

Features & highlights

  • Automatically writes text to a file (the text can contain both fixed and variable parts).
  • Read multiple files and combine them by using the Variable Wizard.
  • It can automatically write text to a file in both the ASCII and Unicode format (UTF-8; UTF-16). Add an optional Unicode header (BOM).
  • Option to append new file content to the end of a file—allows incremental data collection. Or choose to overwrite the file every time.
  • Write data that contain dynamic and context-sensitive Variable Wizard values that can be retrieved from other Actions or Triggers.
  • Supports the Unicode in file and folder names.


  • File · Enter the file name and text to write into it.
  • Options · Select whether to append data to an existing file or overwrite it. Choose text encoding.



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

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