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Create Folder

Automation Workshop includes the Create Folder Action that makes a folder or a whole path (all intermediary folders) if non-existent. The folder name and, optionally, full path can be provided as a static text string or using dynamic values from the Variable Wizard.

The Create Folder Action can make new folders from the folder list using the For Each Action. It can also automatically create folders that contain the current date, time, or just a sequence-prefixed name.

Features & highlights

YouTube video · Create numbered folders using loops

Smart create? Easy!

The Ensure Folder Action streamlines the classical approach to automation. Instead of using the "if a folder does not exist, create it" method, this smart Action ensures that a folder is in a specified state—exists, does not exist, or is empty.


  • Folder · Set a folder name and its location.
  • Options · Set the Action state and custom display name, define automated error workarounds, and enable an option to log only critical errors.



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

Automated Trigger · Task Scheduler
Task Scheduler
Automate Action · Duplicate Folder
Duplicate Folder

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