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Open File Dialog

Automation Workshop includes the Open File Dialog Action that requires a user to indicate a particular (already existing) file on disk. The file name and path is stored as a variable that can be retrieved and used in subsequent Actions by using the Variable Wizard.

Features & highlights

  • Point to the filename and path in the middle of the Task execution.
  • Configure the Open File Dialog Action to initially look for files in a particular folder.
  • Create custom file masks to locate necessary files easier.
  • Use variables retrieved from other Actions to highly customize the File Dialog window.


  • Dialog · Set the starting folder to look for the necessary file.
  • Behavior · Configure the functions of the File Dialog buttons.
  • Options · Define files that will be available in the drop-down menu of a dialog box.



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

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Just ask…

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