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Trim Text

Automation Workshop includes the Trim Text Action that allows to automatically remove unnecessary leading and trailing whitespace characters such as tabs, multiple spaces, or line breaks. The trimmed text string is written into a variable which is then available for use as a parameter in any subsequent Action within the Task.

Features & highlights

  • Remove leading and trailing whitespace characters from the text string.
  • Choose to remove whitespace characters on text leading, trailing, or both sides.
  • You can choose to remove spaces, tabs, line breaks, or specify any custom character.
  • Perform in-place text trimming manipulations using Variable Wizard (without adding an additional Action).


  • Text · Provide a text string to be trimmed.
  • Options · Set the Action state and custom display name, define automated error workarounds, and enable an option to log only critical errors.



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

Automated Trigger · Task Scheduler
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