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Convert List

Automation Workshop includes the Convert List Action that allows to convert a list from one format to another. The Action can replace separators of one type with another, e.g., to convert a list from comma separated values to tab separated values.

You can choose to skip the first or last list elements, and additionally limit the size of the list. The resulting new list is then available as a variable for use as a parameter in any following Action within the Task.

Features & highlights

  • Shorten a list by removing a number of first or last elements from the list.
  • Supports all kinds of multi-character list element separators, such as combination of multiple symbols, letters, digits, commas, etc.
  • The Action can replace the list separators of one type with another.
  • Limit the new list length by setting the maximum length of the new list.
  • Intuitive user interface—no coding or programming skills required.
  • Use the For Each Action to parse a given text string (any list variable) and sequentially retrieve its elements one by one.


  • List · Provide a list element separator to be replaced by another.
  • Options · Choose to skip the first or last list elements and limit the maximum list size.



Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.

Automated Trigger · Task Scheduler
Task Scheduler
Automate Action · Run CMD command
Run CMD command

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