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After converting list separators, the Convert List Action stores the resulting list as a Variable Wizard dynamic value that can be automatically retrieved by other Actions in the same Task.

New list Returns the new list with converted delimiters.
  • Q1 Report, Q2 Report, Q3 Report, Q4 Report
Item count Returns the number of list items.
  • 4
Completion statusRetrieve Action execution status with a possible value—Successful or Failed. Or Empty, if Action has not been executed yet.
Adjust()Streamline creation of Task workflows even further—instantly make quick variable adjustments such as in-place replacement (all, first, or last occurrence), trimming (whitespaces, quotes, etc.), or changing capitalization. Optionally, set a different display name.

Automatic list processing…

The Convert List variables returned as lists (even multi-level) can be automatically processed in further Actions. Use the For Each Action to parse a given text string (any list variable) and sequentially retrieve its elements one by one · see list processing examples. Or, use the Split Text and Lookup Text Actions to access list elements by their indices.

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