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Configure the synchronization process so that it is limited within the allocated network bandwidth and uses proper file transfer mode.

Limit transfer speed Set transfer speed limit for Synchronize Directories Action to reserve bandwidth for other Tasks or applications.
Transfer mode Choose file transfer mode:
  • Binary · Download and upload an exact copy of file.
  • Text · Transfers files as text. Suitable only for text files like .txt and .html. Converts text from Unix to Windows format, if downloaded from Unix machine, or from Windows to Unix format, if uploaded to Unix machine.
Speed unitsSpeed units selectionLimit the transfer speed (bandwidth) in any given speed units—be it KB/s, MB/s and GB/s. One KB is 1024 bytes.
This Action is enabledAn Action is executed only if it is enabled. Otherwise, it will be automatically skipped (completely ignored) from the Task flow.
Use custom display nameRename this Action, to make a human-readable workflow that will help you to find, read, and make sense of the Task structure later.
Advanced fallback optionsManage the advanced fallback options—select which error types will lead to automatic execution of predefined workaround operations.
Log only errorsDo not log information and warning messages for this Action. It may be useful to keep the log file small and tidy on production systems.


  • The Text transfer mode is only suitable for ASCII files, that are single-byte encoded plain text files (for example, .txt) such as UTF-8. Other encodings such as UTF-16 and UTF-32, and other text file formats such as .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf will be corrupted. Always choose Binary transfer mode to keep the file unchanged.
  • Amazon S3 and WebDAV connections does not support ASCII text transfer mode.
  • Google Cloud Storage and DigitalOcean Spaces transfer protocols can only transfer files using the binary mode.

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