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The CC argument specifies that besides the main recipient, an email will be sent to another address specified in the CC field. Multiple email addresses must be separated by a comma or semicolon. When used as the USEFILE parameter, addresses can be separated with line breaks.

Command syntax

  • febootimail -TO client@example.com -CC sales@example.net
  • febootimail -TO client@example.org -CC -USEFILE email-list.txt

When using carbon copies, all recipients specified in the TO and CC fields see the addresses of each other. It is useful to specify direct recipients in TO field so that they know that the email is directly addressed to them. Indirect recipients specified in the CC field know that this mail is only informative for them (e.g., Manager knows that an employee deals with his tasks, and client sees that processes are overseen by the Manager).

febootimail -SERVER smtp.example.com -FROM ed@example.net -TO jonathan@example.com -CC manager@example.com -TEXT Send the email using carbon copies

Friendly names can be specified directly in the CC field, or applied with the TONAME command. See below a list of the related commands.

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