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TOEACH (or SPLIT) command allows sending the same email to many recipients at once, yet a separate email is delivered to each individual recipient. This feature facilitates email sending by replacing the need for batch files.

Command syntax

  • febootimail -TOEACH -TO -USEFILE "C:\My CMD Email\Recipients.txt"
  • febootimail -SPLIT -TO ted@example.com; jane@example.edu

When multiple recipients are specified in the TO field, febootimail connects to an SMTP server only once, and sends email messages to all recipients one by one.

febootimail -SERVER smtp.example.net -FROM ed@example.net -TO -UF "C:\My CMD Email\Recipients.txt" -SPLIT -TEXT "Send mail from the command line to each recipient separately" -LOG maillog.txt

Possible content of "C:\My CMD Email\Recipients.txt" file, which is used to specify the email recipients:

John Sender <john@example.com>
Sales Department <sales@example.com>

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