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TO argument specifies an email recipient. Also, a list of email addresses separated by comma or semicolon can be used. Multiple mail recipients can be separated by line breaks, if used within the USEFILE argument.

TO field is a mandatory unless CC or BCC addresses are used. However, some outgoing mail servers do not allow to send emails with an empty TO field.

Command syntax

  • febootimail -TO recipient@example.com
  • febootimail -TO john@example.net -TO ted@example.com
  • febootimail -TO "John Doe <john@example.com>", "alexander@example.org (Alexander Doe)"

TO command allows you to enter both a single address and a list of recipients. All recipients provided in the TO and CC fields will see addresses of each other. One the other hand, recipients specified in the BCC field are not visible to anybody.

febootimail -SERVER smtp.example.net -FROM ed@example.net -TO john@example.com, christian@example.com -TEXT Email with multiple recipients

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