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Usually, many email parameters are static. Typically settings like a FROM address, a character set, an SMTP server, a username and password stays the same. In such cases it is possible to create a text file that includes all such parameters. Specify the configuration file after the CONFIG (or CFG) command, thus replacing the entire recurring part of the command line.

Command syntax

  • febootimail -CONFIG "C:\My cmd mail\parameters.txt"
  • febootimail -CFG server-auth.txt -CFG C:\mail-cmd\settings.txt


When creating a configuration file, keep in mind some simple tips:

  • Use one command per line. The only exception is the USEFILE argument which is treated as part of the respective command.
  • Excessive spaces and tabs will be trimmed automatically. Use quotes to preserve whitespaces.
  • Message text paragraph formatting requires using multiple text blocks, separated by CR or ENTER parameters.
febootimail -TO john@example.com -TEXT "Sending a mail using the configuration file. The settings.txt file contains all other parameters." -CONFIG settings.txt

An example content of the settings.txt file, which is used to specify all the email message parameters. Take a note on the possibility to include a reference to another configuration file that provides some more parameters.

# Main configuration file (settings.txt).

# Empty lines and lines starting with a hash symbol are ignored.
# Spaces and tabs are allowed for command indent.

# Use one command per line.
# Syntax: -COMMAND value
#         -COMMAND -USEFILE c:\path to\filename.txt

# Sender...

-FROM john@example.com (John Sender)
-REPLYTO office@example.com

# Email parameters...
-SUBJECT Quick email
-ORG -USEFILE C:\My mail settings\Organization.txt

# Attaching all Excel files from the network share.
# Ignore any possible errors for attachments.

-ATTACH \\server.local\Share\*.xls
-ATTACH \\server.local\Share\summary.doc

# SMTP server settings...
# Settings are taken from another configuration file.
# Configuration files can be nested one into another.

-CONFIG server-and-auth.txt

# Email signature...
-TEXT Sincerely yours,
-TEXT John Sender

# Help on all supported email commands...
# www.febooti.com/products/command-line-email/commands/

Possible content of the nested server-and-auth.txt file, which is used to specify an SMTP email server, a username and password, and an authentication method:

# SMTP configuration file (server-and-auth.txt).
# Syntax: -COMMAND value

# SMTP server...

-SERVER smtp.example.com
-PORT 465

# Authentication...
-USER john475
-PASS 4f$su#KpmmH5%i

# Security...
# If your server supports SSL, uncomment the next line.
# -SSL

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