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TONAME argument allows you to specify a friendly name of an email recipient. By default most email clients display a friendly name, instead of an email address, with or without the actual email address (as specified in TO field).

Command syntax

  • febootimail -TONAME Teddy Green -TO ted@example.com
  • febootimail -TONAME John (Example Inc) -CC john.inc@example.com

An email friendly name is something we can easily read and remember. This is especially useful if email address of actual recipient is not very appealing, such as: mkr0786i@example.com

A friendly name usually is a person name—Teddy Green or Teddy G. It can be an Organization or a Company name—Example Inc. Or it can be both—Teddy Green (Example Inc), or Teddy Green (Accounting Dept).

febootimail -SERVER smtp.example.com -FROM daniel@example.com -TONAME Leonard Wilson -TO cooper@example.net -TONAME Example Inc -CC sales@example.com -TEXT Mail sent from the command line using multiple recipients and friendly names.

TONAME argument can be used both for TO and CC recipients. Also, TONAME field can be used multiple times per command line. Each TONAME field will be assigned to the corresponding next specified email recipient.

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