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Options of the Stop Task Action allow skipping updating of Task statistics and providing an optional error message that will be displayed in addition to standard error messages when stopping the Task.

Optional error message is displayed and logged only if the Task is configured to be stopped with error which in turn implies that the Stop Task Action is set to stop the very Task in which it itself is located.

Do not update Task statistics By default, the Task statistics are updated when a Task finishes running. This option allows you to skip updating Task last execution time, as well as, all the Task performance metrics.
Optional error message Enter optional error message that will be displayed in addition to standard error message upon stopping the Task.
Variable WizardVariable Wizard buttonUse dynamic data input—substitute a parameter from a file, web, connected Trigger, other Actions, date and time presets, etc.
This Action is enabledAn Action is executed only if it is enabled. Otherwise, it will be automatically skipped (completely ignored) from the Task flow.
Use custom display nameRename this Action, to make a human-readable workflow that will help you to find, read, and make sense of the Task structure later.
Advanced fallback optionsManage the advanced fallback options—select which error types will lead to automatic execution of predefined workaround operations.
Log only errorsDo not log information and warning messages for this Action. It may be useful to keep the log file small and tidy on production systems.

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