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A friendly name is a name that appears in the email's From, To fields, instead of an email address in the form of name@example.com. To send a message with a friendly name, use the FROMNAME argument.

Friendly name

Alternative to the FROMNAME argument is the following syntax:

  • febootimail -TO "Firstname Lastname <friendly@example.com>"
  • febootimail -TO "Lastname, Firstname <friendly@example.net>"
  • febootimail -CC ""Firstname Lastname" <friendly@example.org>"
  • febootimail -CC ""Lastname, Firstname" <friendly@example.edu>"
  • febootimail -FROM "friendly@example.com (Lastname, Firstname)"
  • febootimail -REPLYTO "friendly@example.com (Lastname, Firstname (Thirdname))"


An example of sending an email with the friendly name argument:

febootimail -FROM john@example.net -TO ryan@example.com -TEXT "Friendly name example" -FROMNAME "John S."

An example of sending an email with the REPLYTO and REPLYTONAME arguments:

febootimail -FROM john@example.net -TO ryan@example.com -TEXT Friendly reply name usage. -REPLYTO john@example.net -REPLYTONAME "John Sender"


In the above examples, a localhost is used as an SMTP mail server. Usually, it is required to specify an SMTP server manually using SMTP argument. Server authentication is performed with AUTH, USER, and PASS arguments. An example with authentication:

febootimail -FROM john@example.net -TO ryan@example.com -TEXT Friendly name example -SUBJECT "Command line mail authentication" -SMTP mail.example.com -AUTH AUTO -USER john -PASS g5D#dfhs@asF

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