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Automation Workshop FAQ—simple answers to complex questions.

Less secure?

  • Q: When Automation Workshop sends an email using Gmail's SMTP server, the sending fails with the error message "Allow less secure apps". What does it mean?
  • A: Gmail considers regular email programs and backup programs to be "less secure", so in order for them to get access into your account, your "Allow less secure apps" option must be turned on.
    If you are a Google Workspace (Google Apps, G Suite) user, you can use App Passwords instead of your regular login credentials, all this without changing the "Allow less secure apps" setting.


Before sending login credentials (username and password) to Gmail (smtp.gmail.com or smtp.googlemail.com), Automation Workshop always establishes secure connection (using SSL or STARTTLS). This is the only way how automated email sending works.

Without enabling the Less Secure Apps setting, Gmail expects that a user is sitting at the computer all the time, and is ready to enter authentication information. Automated servers usually do not have a physical display where a password prompt can be shown.

To change Automation Workshop global email settings, use email server options. Additionally, you can use different credentials for each Task, using email credentials within Send Email Action.

Additional resources

Popular SMTP settings

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