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The ENTER (or CR) command adds a line break to the email, directly in the command prompt. This technique allows to have multiple paragraphs separated by a new line character, in the expression that is written in a single line.

Command syntax

  • febootimail -ENTER
  • febootimail -CR
  • febootimail -TEXT 1st line -CR -TEXT 2nd line

Normally, Enter key executes the expression written in the command prompt. However, Enter is also used as carriage return to separate text paragraphs one from another by the line breaks. Thus, composing a paragraph formatted multiline message in the one, use the ENTER argument to add the line breaks to your email.

febootimail -SERVER smtp.example.net -FROM ed@example.net -TO gillian@example.com -TEXT A first paragraph text in email message -ENTER -TEXT The second paragraph -ENTER -TEXT The 3rd one

Alternatively, use the USEFILE command to send preformatted text files. Use Notepad or any other text editor, to make preformatted text files with multiple paragraphs.

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