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The Trigger Pane allows to quickly locate a Trigger based on a Task name and Trigger activation conditions (current and all upcoming).

Task Identify a Trigger by it's Task name.
Triggering details Each Trigger shows it's activation conditions (based on context)—a folder and directory location, file mask, current and upcoming schedules.

Use Date menu to compute upcoming schedules for selected date range (up to 1 month).
Last run The last execution timestamp of a Task. The date and time is updated when any Trigger (in case of multiple Triggers per Task) starts the Task, or when it is executed manually or remotely.
Statistics Shows the successful and failed Task run count. Failures are displayed only if the Task has failed at least once. The statistics are collected since Task creation or last time the stats were cleared.

Context menu

Use the context menu to refresh the Triggers or quickly access additional features:

  • Locate Task · Instantly locate a Task in the AW Task Pane.
  • Task Properties · Directly navigate to and open the Task Details view.


With the Remote Trigger Manager, you can access and view Triggers from a different Automation Workshop instance, as long as remote computers or servers are set up in the Remote Manager.

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