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Freeware · Hex Editor · Copy As…

Besides primary use for hex-editing of a file content, Hex Editor offers the Copy As feature that allows the efficient data copying in various formats.

Depending on the particular goal, you can choose a data format for easy displaying, printing or emailing. It is also possible to export the hexadecimal string for direct use in a C/C++ source file.


To use Copy As feature, select ASCII or HEX area, click right mouse button, and select one of the following copy formats from context menu:

Copy As… Description
as HEX Copies data in the hexadecimal number format. Bytes are separated by a space character.
as Text / ASCII Copies data in the Text / ASCII format.
as C / C++ Copies data in format that can be readily imported into a C/C++ source code.
as View Copies data as it is displayed in Hex Editor, with address range on the left, hexadecimal values in the middle and ASCII values in the right column.
as Address Copies the address of the currently selected cell.
as Address Range Copies address range of the selection.


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