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The -USEFILE (or -UF) argument substitutes values provided in the command line with contents of the specified text file. Instead of typing a long message body, or typing a large list of recipients, or retyping an email signature, provide a USEFILE parameter.


USEFILE argument can be used with any other argument.

febootimail -FROM ed@example.net -TO -USEFILE c:\files\to.txt -BODY -UF c:\files\body.txt -BODY -UF c:\files\signature.txt

Possible content of the to.txt file, which is used to specify recipients:


Possible content of the body.txt file, which is used to specify the email message body:


Message sent with Febooti Command Line Email. The message body is taken from the file: "c:\files\body.txt"

Possible content of the signature.txt file, which is used as the email sender signature:

Ed Miller,
Product Sales Manager.
Phone: 555-456-7890


In the example above, a localhost is used as an SMTP mail server. Usually, it is required to specify an SMTP server manually using the SMTP argument. Server authentication is performed with the AUTH, USER, and PASS arguments. Example with authentication:

febootimail -FROM eddy@example.net -TO ryan@example.com -SUBJ Use file example -TEXT -USEFILE "c:\My Documents\email.txt" -SMTP smtp.example.com -AUTH AUTO -USER eddy -PASS D3ja38@FG5Ks

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