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To send a mail in non-English language, text encoding must be specified. Encoding is a method for presenting characters in digital form by mapping sequences of code values into sequences of bytes, for example, ASCII, Unicode, and Windows 1252.


An example of sending an email using the CHARSET argument:

febootimail -FROM john@example.net -TO info@example.com -TEXT Sending mail message with german language text encoding! -CHARSET iso-8859-1

Character sets

See some popular character sets:

Character set Region · Details
UTF-8 Unicode, worldwide · The most complete character set that has become a de facto standard in recent years for almost all world languages. If you are unsure which character set to use, the UTF-8 will almost always work.
The legacy systems may not support Unicode, and in such cases it is recommended to use US-ASCII or ISO-8859-1 for the English language, or a character set required to properly display diacritics for your region or language.
US-ASCII Basic English · Originally based on the English alphabet, ASCII encodes 128 specified characters into seven-bit integers.
ISO-8859-1 Latin-1 Western European · The most widely used part of ISO/IEC 8859, covering most Western European languages.
ISO-8859-2 Latin-2 Central European · Supports Central and Eastern European languages that use the Latin alphabet.
ISO-8859-4 Latin-4 North European · Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Greenlandic, and Sami.
ISO-8859-5 Latin/Cyrillic · Mostly Slavic languages that use a Cyrillic alphabet.
ISO-8859-6 Latin/Arabic · Covers the most common Arabic language characters. Does not support other languages using the Arabic script.
ISO-8859-7 Latin/Greek · Covers the modern Greek language (monotonic orthography).
ISO-8859-8 Latin/Hebrew · Covers the modern Hebrew alphabet as used in Israel.
ISO-8859-10 Latin-6 Nordic · Considered more useful for Nordic languages.
ISO-8859-11 Latin/Thai · Contains characters needed for the Thai language.
ISO-8859-13 Latin-7 Baltic Rim · Added some characters for Baltic languages.
ISO-8859-14 Latin-8 Celtic · Covers Celtic languages.
ISO-8859-15 Latin-9 · A revision of ISO-8859-1 that removes some little-used symbols. completes the coverage of French, Finnish, and Estonian.
ISO-8859-16 Latin-10 South-Eastern European · The focus lies more on letters than symbols. The currency sign is replaced with the euro sign.
Windows-1250 Latin 2 / Central European · Similar to ISO-8859-2 but moves several characters.
Windows-1251 Cyrillic · Incompatible with both ISO-8859-5 and KOI-8.
Windows-1252 Latin 1 / Western European · Superset of ISO-8859-1 (without C1 controls).
Windows-1253 Greek · Similar to ISO-8859-7 but moves several characters.
Windows-1254 Turkish · Superset of ISO-8859-9 (without C1 controls).
Windows-1255 Hebrew · Almost a superset of ISO-8859-8.
Windows-1256 Arabic · Not compatible with ISO-8859-6.
Windows-1257 Baltic · The ISO-8859-13 is closely related, but with some differences in available punctuation.
Windows-1258 Vietnamese (also OEM) · Not related to VSCII or VISCII, uses fewer base characters.
KOI8-R Russian · An 8-bit character encoding, derived from the KOI-8 encoding.


In the example above, a localhost is used as an SMTP mail server. Usually, it is required to specify an SMTP server manually using the SMTP argument. Server authentication is performed with the AUTH, USER, and PASS arguments. An example with authentication:

febootimail -FROM john@example.net -TO ryan@example.com -SUBJ Unicode example with authentication -TEXT Email text in different languages! -CHARSET UTF-8 -SMTP mail.example.com -AUTH AUTO -USER john -PASS ************


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