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Time presets (Date & Time category in Variable Wizard) retrieves the current date and time in one of the most used standards and character formatting for using in various situations from file & folder name creation and retrieval to dates and times used in emails.

Preset Choose the preset according to which the date & time value will be returned.
  • Sortable file · returns a non-separated numerical value of date and time especially convenient for using in file and folder names.
    Example 1: 20240117073059
    Example 2: 20241208224533
  • Sortable file (long) · returns a non-separated numerical value of date and time (including milliseconds).
    Example 1: 20240117073059815
    Example 2: 20241208224533042
  • Sortable file (dashed) · returns a dash-separated date and time value which incorporates year, month, date, hour, minutes and seconds. Being easily readable this format also allows generating file and folder names that are easily sortable in ascending or descending order.
    Example 1: 2024-01-17-07-30-59
    Example 2: 2024-12-08-22-45-33
  • System date · returns the numeric value of current date.
    Example 1: 1/17/2024
    Example 2: 12/8/2024
  • System date (long) · returns current system date in text format including day of the week.
    Example 1: Tuesday, January 17, 2023
    Example 2: Friday, December 8, 2023
  • System time · returns current system time.
    Example 1: 7:30 AM
    Example 2: 10:45 PM
  • System time (long) · returns long value of current system time (including seconds).
    Example 1: 7:30:59 AM
    Example 2: 10:45:33 PM
  • Sortable · returns numeric value of date and time in standard sortable format.
    Example 1: 2024-01-17T07:30:59
    Example 2: 2024-12-08T22:45:33
  • Sortable (universal) · returns date and time in sortable numeric format.
    Example 1: 2024-01-17 07:30:59
    Example 2: 2024-12-08 22:45:33
  • RFC 1123 · returns weekday, date and time in international format.
    Example 1: Tue, Jan 17, 2023 07:30:59
    Example 2: Fri, Dec 08, 2023 22:45:33
  • UNIX epoch time · returns seconds, minutes, or hours elapsed since the Posix time · Details
    Example 1: 1673940659
    Example 2: 1702032333
Universal time · UTC Specifies that universal time (UTC) value will be returned instead of local time.
Adjust Allows additionally modifying any value by adding or removing specified amount of days, minutes, seconds or milliseconds, thus also providing a possibility for retrieving a value of any previous or next date or hour.
Time unitsTime units selectionDefine and set a time frame in any given preferred format—be it milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
Preview Shows format of time generated on basis of selected options.
AdjustStreamline creation of Task workflows even further—instantly make quick variable adjustments such as in-place replacement (all, first, or last occurrence), trimming (whitespaces, quotes, etc.), or changing capitalization. Optionally, set a different display name.
YouTube video · Email files after a 5-minute hold

Epoch time…

The UNIX epoch time used by Automation workshop is a TAI-based variant—it has no leap seconds, and every TAI day is exactly 86,400 seconds long. Thus in Automation Workshop, the UNIX epoch time is expressed as seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970.

UNIX epoch timeDetails
Express as For convenient comparisons, further adjust the UNIX epoch time to return its value as:
  • Seconds
  • Minutes
  • Hours
  • Days
  • Weeks

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