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Sending an email from the batch files is easy and straightforward. Prerequisites: PC with Microsoft Windows, and you will need to install febootimail. A free download is available.

A simple example

A simple batch file (example.bat) with self explanatory command syntax:

febootimail -FROM email@example.com -TO recipient@example.com -SUBJ It works! -TEXT Sending the an email from a batch file -SMTP smtp.example.com

Note that most of the commands do not require any explanation. The SMTP command specifies an outgoing server. It is not possible to send an email without an SMTP server. If you do not have one, you can use Gmail's server for free · View example

Attachment example

Sending all .pdf files from the folder in one go:

febootimail -FROM email@example.com -TO recipient@example.com -SUBJ Report -TEXT Please see and review my attached report files -ATTACH "C:\Report files\*.pdf" -SSL -SMTP mail.example.com

The ATTACH command adds all .pdf files to the email from the Report files folder. The SSL argument enables a secure connection.

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